Monday, August 29, 2005

Real Love - What's it?!

It's like a rose! blooms when we water it faithfully! But its water is running through our veins since it's planted deep in the soil of our hearts.


Monday, August 22, 2005

Forgiveness and Mercy!

It's forgiveness and mercy and.. as Mahatma Gandhi said once:
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

So, if you do have more opinions, proverbs and quotes about love, post them here. Read more at:

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Real Love - What's it?!

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I maybe very sentimental, because I always create my beautiful romantic corner in this world, doing my dreams alone, every time I have an out door confrontation with Politics.

I made my own creative remedy, to cure my soul from the infection of the dictatorship and terrorism, which are more infected than the binary deathful malaria and bilharzia, that are killing hundred thousands of people, there in my home land, and the other regions in Mama Africa.


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