Sunday, September 25, 2005

Real Love - What's it?!

When Diana Ross sings:

Touch me in the morning..

then comes to:
Call me no matter where you're..
No matter how far...
I wonder more about it. Could it be universal culture?:-)


Saturday, September 24, 2005

Love To Death!

While my Italian friend was died, she died with a delighful soul whispering her last wish to be burned and to throw her ash from the highest of Hamasin in the capital city of Asmara in Eritrea.

She lived her childhood, uth and her age of wisdom there in the heart of the most beautiful city in the Horn Of Africa. In her late days she gave a lot of love to her friends through her Wednesday-Cafe-Saloon and through Malta Clinic.

I am still loving and missing her. It all happened like a dream. Is it true that I love Asmara and every thing breathing in Asmara up to date?

Oh, Sandra Juevani, will your soul sleep in peace and breath from every mountain In Eritrea!

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