Saturday, November 26, 2005

Your Grandmother's Love!

When your grandmother's thoughts go after you! When you feel her breathing good ideas to keep you in form, to blow your own harmony inside your family! That's a grand love! Isn't it? Oh, how lucky your grandfather is?

Your Grandfather;-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Real Love - What's it?!

It's a lifetime feeling between a couple, which grows strong every moment. According to this culture, it isn't a periodical experience for a limited time pleasure.
It grows with the age to reflect a lifetime pleasure and grow a happy family.


Friday, November 18, 2005

Pain and Balsam!

Love does hurt sometimes. But when LOVE does, it cures!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Real Love - What's It?!

Indulgence in favors for somebody else!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Creating Love On the Air!

My daughter teaches me something very interesting on how she does "songs ideas" and "singing critique" for her classmates?

She sings very nice and when they ask her why she does not participate in singing contests, she says that she has no interest in doing so.

We have a good discussion one time a week about how to do "critique"? that will get into this area of my concerns about love.

Such kind of dialogue is originated from this kind of love we do have in common to create something good for ourselves and the others. So, if you do have more opinions about love, you're welcome here.

To read more about it, go and visit:

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Real Love - What's it?!

It might be in happiness. It might be in misery too. But inside there between the flavor of happiness and the flavor of misery, it's the flavor of thy sophisticated feelings! Khalid Osman says;-)

More at

Friday, November 04, 2005

The smoke is taking her shape!

I'm touched by the gestures
Of kindness you've shown
I've noticed how fast
All our hours have flown
I'm feeling the force
Of a friendship that's true
I'm fortunate knowing
A person like you

One of my friends sent me those words above a couple of months ago. Then the lady "evaporated" like this smoke, evaporting from my hot cup of tea right now.

But, oh... the smoke is taking her shape!

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